Major General Marco Antonio Marín Saldaña, was born in Callao, Peru. He currently serves as the Deputy Commanding General-Interoperability at US Army South.
His career began in 1991 when he entered the Military Academy of Chorrillos, graduating in January 1995 as an Infantry Second Lieutenant. Following graduation, he served in Infantry, Special Forces units and in declared emergency zones in various locations within the country such as a Lead of Patrol, Instructor at the Special Operations School, as well as a Director at the Army Infantry School and has 27 uninterrupted years of service as an active-duty Army Officer. He possesses strategic leadership and administration capabilities.
Throughout his career, he has participated actively in the National Pacification and was awarded the Merit Medal by the Armed Forces Joint Command, and distinguished with the “Valor of War Cross” medal for his direct participation in Counterterrorism Operations. He also was awarded the Commendation Medal “Eloy Urrieta” and the Legion of Merit “Andres Avelino Caceres” award.
Military Schools
- - Special Operations Program
- - Infantry Basic and Advanced Program
- - Command and Joint Staff Course at the Joint War College
- - Psychological Operations Superior Course
Command Assignments
- - Company Commander of the Special Commando N° 31 (CE VRAEM)
- - Commander of the Counter Terrorist Battalion N° 312 (CE VRAEM)
- - Joint Special Forces Commander (CIOEC - CCFFAA)
- - Director of the Army Infantry School
- - Peruvian Cross of Military Merit Award
- - National Pacification
- - "Mariscal Eloy Urieta" Medal of the Joint Command in the Grade of Commander
- - "Valor of War Cross" Medal of the Joint Command in the Distinguished Degree
- - Operations on the Internal Front for National Pacification Veteran